Address : Mehdipatnam: pillar no. 14,beside sarvi hotel and above fantoosh. , Hyderabad, Telangana, 500028, India
Name : madhav
View address, contact and complete details...About Us :
NANDYAL ACADEMY was intiated in the year 2014 by Mr. MADHAV REDDY , the brain child to impact core training to the many of unemployed and also a few privately employed seeking a stepping stone and a further to begin their journey of dreams in getting proper jobs in the GOVERNMENT, BANKING SECTOR as also in the CORPORATE WORLD.
The name NANDYAL is a very unique name selected togo hand in hand for a unique cause. It was decided to imapct a unique training methodology to the job seeking aspirants.For this a proper research had been conducted on the kind of training that requires to bring out the best in the job seeking aspirants in a holistic manner.
Professionals in their respective fields were interviewed and discussed in detail to impart excellent training to adhere to the MODERN CORPORATE WORLD. Keeping this in view, a well furnished place was chosen in the heart of the citywith modern amenities. Based upon its SUCCESS and the need for securing the desiring youth, a branch in TARNAKA was opened in OCTOBER 2015 carrying and adhering to the same priciples followed at MEHDIPATNAM.